The 7 Most Important Twitter Post Metrics For A Social Media Scorecard

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re an experienced social media marketer, understanding page metrics for your brands’ social media scorecard is imperative. This article will explain the 7 most important metrics for your Twitter campaign.

  2. Comments/Replies
  3. Shares/Retweets/Quote Tweets
  4. Total Engagements
  5. Reach
  6. Impressions
  7. Engagement Rate

LIKES Twitter posts can be liked by users. On Twitter, this metric appears as a heart icon at the bottom of the post. Posts that are liked can sometimes appear on other users’ timelines without being shared (retweeted). When searching on Twitter you can sort the results by a few categories, including: top, latest, people, photos, and videos. The top is the default for searching on Twitter. The Top tweets show those most relevant to the search based on a combination of time and likes/comments.

COMMENTS or REPLIES are other ways Twitter users can interact with tweets. Comments are responses to a tweet that contain text, media, or both.

SHARES or in the case of Twitter RETWEETS and QUOTE TWEETS are two ways that a user can share content to their own Twitter feed. A retweet will simply repost the tweet to that user’s Twitter feed for their followers to see. Quote tweets allow users to add their own comments to a post while sharing it. This can be useful in growing followers while adding a personal spin to the original tweet.

TOTAL ENGAGEMENTS Twitter measures the total engagements of a tweet by summing the likes, replies, retweets, link clicks, and post clicks. This is a useful metric in measuring the total interaction of a post.

Twitter Engagement,received%20during%20the%20reporting%20period.

REACH is the calculated number of users that should see a post. Reach is calculated by the number of posts multiplied by the number of followers of the account.

IMPRESSIONS are the total number of people that see the post on their timeline through their followers, retweets, quote tweets, comments, and likes. This includes users that do not interact with the post.

ENGAGEMENT RATE is a ratio of the number of impressions divided by the number of engagements. The engagement rate can be used to determine the effectiveness of a specific post, a higher engagement rate is ideal. Engagement rates over 1% are great but anything over 0.5% is acceptable.

In conclusion, these 7 metrics can provide valuable insites to the effectiveness of your twitter posts. These metrics when analyzed together can show just how successful a twitter post is. The LIkes, Replies, and shares make up the total engagements of the post. The Impressions shows the total users reached and the engagement rate shows what percentage of users interacted with the post.

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