Drive Reach with Employee Advocacy Programs

Take Advantage of Resources Already at your Fingertips! I want you to think about how much your company is currently spending on advertisement needs. That’s a large number right? Can you imagine cutting this number nearly in half by the help of your employees? I can, which is why I would like to introduce youContinue reading “Drive Reach with Employee Advocacy Programs”

NEW PODCAST: How to Increase Reach with Employee Advocacy Programs (Episode #11)

In this episode, we hear from marketing student, Ryan Glendy about employee advocacy programs, featuring his guest Ivey Emmert and her experience with a retail brand. To learn more about this topic you can also read Ryan’s article about employee advocacy which also discusses the programs used by Starbucks and Electronic Arts.  Teaching Social MediaContinue reading “NEW PODCAST: How to Increase Reach with Employee Advocacy Programs (Episode #11)”

Increasing reach through Employee Advocacy

What is an Employee Advocacy Program? A simple definition of employee advocacy is the promotion of a brand or company content by an employee of that company. Most people are used to seeing their favorite influencers/celebs promote a brand but in this case the promotion is done by the companies own employees. Examples of EmployeeContinue reading “Increasing reach through Employee Advocacy”

Increasing Reach through Employee Advocacy: the case of Electronic Arts and Starbucks

What Is employee advocacy? Employee advocacy is the promotion of an organization by its employees. This could mean employees share information about certain products or campaigns of the company. They could also share a look into the company culture. Employee advocacy programs allows companies to create guidelines, resources, and rewards for employees who promote theContinue reading “Increasing Reach through Employee Advocacy: the case of Electronic Arts and Starbucks”

Helping Brands from Within

A question that is constantly asked by brands is simply how can we get more brand recognition? Many brands will try to promote from social media platforms, having celebrities endorse their brand and even the classic billboard stunt. But there has been a surge of a new method to promote brands: the employee advocacy program.Continue reading “Helping Brands from Within”