Why YouTube Shorts are Important for Content Creators

YouTube Shorts are a short-form video typically between 15 and 60 seconds that is YouTube’s way of competing with Tiktok, Snapchat, and Instagram Reels. Now you may be wondering why this form of video is important for content creators as well as businesses? Luckily for you, I will tell you all you need to know.Continue reading “Why YouTube Shorts are Important for Content Creators”

How Brands Use Instagram to Increase Sales

Have you ever wanted to increase sales for your business? Look no further than what’s already on your phone Instagram! With 130 million people tapping shopping links on Instagram posts each month, this is an amazing way to increase sales for your business. This blog will give you the top 5 things to do toContinue reading “How Brands Use Instagram to Increase Sales”

How Brands use Instagram Reels in Social Media

What are Instagram Reels? Is it just a knockoff version of TikTok trying to keep Instagram relevant? Yes and no. While Instagram Reels and TikTok are similar because of their edits/filters and short video lengths, they have very different applications to increase followers, views, and activity on your brands page. Some key differences TikTok isContinue reading “How Brands use Instagram Reels in Social Media”

Pinterest, connecting to you as fast as a simple refresh!

Pinterest isn’t just a platform for the creative minds it’s a platform for everybody. Using Pinterest and creating boards for anything makes you an active user, even using the search bar. Pinterest is a social media platform that encourages flow of the imagination, allowing users to search for anything imaginable and create boards with imagesContinue reading “Pinterest, connecting to you as fast as a simple refresh!”

7 Marketing Steps for Pinterest Businesses

How do you use Pinterest? Are you pinning recipes, inspiration for dream vacations and events? Saving projects you want to try or images that match your aesthetic? Or maybe you are pinning products you want to try. Pinterest is not just for those who want to collect inspiration and search for DIY projects. On the otherContinue reading “7 Marketing Steps for Pinterest Businesses”

How Squid Game took over Social Media Campaigns

What is Squid Game? Squid Game on Netflix took over the world in late September of 2021. The South Korean television show revolves around 456 contestants, who all have financial struggles and hardships compete for a drastic â‚©45.6 billion prizes. The catch? Only 1 contestant prevails while the other 455 players are killed during theContinue reading “How Squid Game took over Social Media Campaigns”

User-Generated Content impacts 79% of people and their shopping habits

According to Stakla.com, only 13% of people say direct marketing content from a brand impacts their shopping. What is User Generated Content? User-Generated Content or UGC, has taken over digital marketing and how brands are advertising their business. User-Generated Content in short is content in the form of a video, photo, or text on socialContinue reading “User-Generated Content impacts 79% of people and their shopping habits”

How Brands use Targeting of Content to Market Toward Minors

You know that feeling when you inadvertently click on an ad not even realizing it was an ad for a company? Well, you have been subjected to targeted marketing content… What is Brand Targeting of Content? Content targeting is a way for companies and brands to deliver ads that individually are relevant to each personContinue reading “How Brands use Targeting of Content to Market Toward Minors”

Looking Deeper into Instagram Analytics

What are Instagram analytics? Instagram analytics are how you comprehend the performance of your posts and your overall your account as a whole. While Instagram measurements are individual details, Instagram analytics assist you with interpreting those details and seeing different patterns in them. Taking a look at your Instagram insights is probably the most effectiveContinue reading “Looking Deeper into Instagram Analytics”